
How To Develop and Implement a Prehospital Emergency Care System in Resource-Limited Settings

Included here are several resources we’ve developed over time to help guide the development and implementation of prehospital emergency care programs in resource-limited settings. These documents do not include any clinical emergency care but instead focus on the four core components of any prehospital emergency care system:

  • Prehospital Staff and Training
  • Emergency Transport
  • Emergency Communications
  • Management and Sustainability

The documents don’t pretend to be entirely comprehensive — systems will vary greatly in terms of scope and resources — but they are based on extensive reviews of the literature and over 10 years of experience working to develop these systems around the world.

The documents are free to use, but we would appreciate credit when and where they’re used.

The documents include:

To get in touch with us, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

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