Fire Departments

Beacon Helps Fire Departments

Trek Medics has developed the Beacon emergency dispatch platform to help fire departments alert, coordinate and track their crews using any mobile phone, with or without Internet.

Overcome Communication
Challenges with Beacon

The Problem

  • Pager systems are outdated and expensive
  • Not all volunteer or off-duty firefighters carry radios
  • Centralized dispatch systems make it difficult to manage local communications

The Solution

Trek Medics has developed the Beacon emergency dispatch platform to offer fire departments a straightforward approach to dispatch that can be used as a primary or auxiliary solution to alert, coordinate & track your response.

How the Beacon platform works for Fire Departments

Emergency is reported

A witness identifies a need for urgent, rapid support

Response Dispatch

Requests for assistance can be sent to available responders by integrating Beacon with the local CAD, or by having fire station personnel dispatch directly through the Beacon web application

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Emergency Response

Responders reply to the alert indicating their availability; Beacon determines the nearest and most appropriate resources and personnel, and instructs them to proceed to the location

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Arrive On-Scene

Responders locate the victim and update the dispatcher through Beacon, ensuring accountability and maintaining open communications should more resources be needed

Smartphone with Beacon Logo IMG

On-Scene Intervention

Once on-scene, responders are able to provide emergency care and determine the need for additional resources

Incident Reporting

Beacon compiles a full suite of operations documentation in real-time, including incident response times, responder performance and patient care reports (coming Jan 2023)

Report Icon IMG
Beacon Logotype

Fire Departments Features

Easy Setup

No computer science degree required. Follow the guide and videos to be ready to start dispatching in less than 30 minutes.

Editable Maps

Edit maps to keep responders updated in real-time through their mobile app. Include landmarks, zones, routes and hazards.

Works with or without internet

Beacon functions on any mobile phone, via push notifications when Internet’s available or SMS when not.

Decentralized Response

No call center required: Create new incidents and track responders directly through your smartphone

Scalable Volume

Whether you have 5 responders or 500, Beacon can handle your volume through automated workflows and real-time tracking

Performance Reporting

Beacon offers a full-suite of reports, including responder reports, incident reports, historical reports and patient care reports (coming Jan 2023)

Related Videos

Trek Medics: Beacon Dispatch Animation

How a software program can save lives

Beacon Logotype

Beacon emergency dispatch is a cloud-based, do-it-yourself platform for emergency services that alerts, coordinates and tracks prehospital personnel using any mobile phone, with or without internet.

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