
Cloud-based Dispatching for Mobile Crisis Teams

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Trek Medics International - Manage Emergency Care Anywhere



Crisis Team

Once an MCT is assigned to an incident, they follow the same workflow steps:

  • Travel to Scene — The MCT confirms they en route and receives additional information from the Dispatcher as it becomes available
  • Telephonic Triage — The MCT connects with the Help-Seeker prior to in-person engagement to gather more information and develop a plan
  • Assess Scene — Once at the incident location, the MCT assess the situation, determine need for additional resources and engage with the person in crisis
  • Engagement/Assessment/Intervention — The MCT engages with the Help-Seeker, assesses their needs and resources, delivers brief interventions and facilitates connection to services and resources
  • Transport to Facility-based Care — If required, the MCT may provide transport to a dedicated facility for additional services
  • Warm Hand-Off — Upon arrival, the MCT will provide a detailed report of the engagement to the clinical care providers
  • Incident Completion — After the MCT’s involvement has concluded, they inform the Dispatcher that they are finished and can return to service


An alert is sent to multiple MCT’s to determine who is available and can respond quickest to the incident location.


Direct Assignment

A specific MCT is selected by the Dispatcher based on pre-determined criteria and is assigned to the incident.



Used when multiple MCT’s are needed, but circumstances prevent the Dispatcher from relying on one model – e.g., if the Assigned Responder has a long ETA and other MCTs may be closer.

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Beacon emergency dispatch is a cloud-based, do-it-yourself platform for emergency services that alerts, coordinates and tracks prehospital personnel using any mobile phone, with or without internet.

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