See all of the latest from all the outlets that cover Trek Medics International
In The News

“Twilio Flex to the Rescue for Trek Medics“

“Nonprofit seeks to improve emergency response via SMS”

Radio Interview: “The ‘Uber for ambulances’ serving the poor“

“Restoring heartbeats and improving emergency care in Africa“

“The life-saving mission of Tanzania’s killer taxi bikes “

“Bringing 911 Service to the Developing World With Smartphones…“

Letter to the Editor: “What to do when you can’t call 911”

“Not having 911 services is a huge drain on a country’s economy”

Feature on “Vital Signs with Dr. Sanjay Gupta”

“The Startup That Aims to be Uber for War Zones”

Op-Ed: “Nepal earthquake: Rescue teams arrive too late to save lives, it’s time to rethink…“

“How Technology Can Turn Cell Phones Into 9-1-1 Systems“

“The Uberification of Emergency Response”

“Want to Help African EM? Think Local”

“The life saving deeds of city bodaboda riders”

“Crowdsourcing 9-1-1 for the Developing World”

“Twilio powers SMS-based emergency response system for the developing world“

Français: “Installer un numéro d’urgence…”

“How We’re Rethinking 911 Around the Globe”

“Location-based tools could boost timely medical responses“

Regular Contributors

Blog Post: “What you need to know to be a disaster response medic”
March 29, 2018
Trek Medics announces new disaster technology grant from Cisco Systems to make Beacon Emergency Dispatch Platform “disaster-friendly”
March 2, 2017
Jason Friesen returns to the Disaster Podcast to share updates on Trek Medics progress implementing their SMS-based Emergency Dispatch Platform, Beacon, in the Dominican Republic and Tanzania
April 21, 2016
Trek Medics’ founder Jason Friesen joins the Disaster Podcast for a 2-part interview about the organization, its mission, and its approach to EMS development in low- and middle-income countries
Support from Our Partners

Disaster Technology Grant Awardee

Impact Fund Awardee 2017 & 2019

Grant Awardee

Tamer Fund for Social Ventures Grant

Grant Awardee

Development Innovation Ventures (DIV)

Global Impact Grant Awardee

SUMURR mHealth Challenge

Gifts-In-Kind and Technical Support

Big Ideas Award Winner