
New Program in Iringa, Tanzania

Iringa, Tanzania

Hongera kwa washirika wetu wapya zaidi huko Iringa, Tanzania! Shukrani kwa kujitolea na kazi ngumu ya Moja ya Afya ya Vijijini ya Tanzaina hizi madereva wa teksi ya pikipiki ya boda sasa wamefunzwa washiriki wa jamii kutoa majibu ya haraka na huduma za dharura kwa wagonjwa na waliojeruhiwa huko Iringa, kuungwa mkono na ambulensi mpya ya usafiri na kuratibu kupitia Mfumo wa dharura wa kupeleka dharura. Tunafurahi sana kuona huduma zao kuimarisha na kupanua na, pamoja na wenzao huko Mwanza, kuendelea kuendelea kuweka mfano kwa Watanzania wote kuiga.

Congratulations to our newest partners in Iringa, Tanzania! Thanks to the dedication and hard work of the Tanzania Rural Health Movement these boda boda motorcycle taxi drivers are now trained community responders providing rapid response and emergency care for the sick and injured across Iringa, backed up by a new ambulance for transport and coordinated through our Beacon emergency dispatch platform. We’re super excited to see their service strengthen and expand and, along with their counterparts in Mwanza, to continue setting an example for all Tanzanians to replicate.

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Beacon emergency dispatch is a cloud-based, do-it-yourself platform for emergency services that alerts, coordinates and tracks prehospital personnel using any mobile phone, with or without internet.

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