April 2023
We’re very pleased to announce the launch of our new Beacon logo. After nearly 10 years using the previous logo, it became clear that our platform had changed so drastically, we needed a new logo to better communicate what Beacon does and who it serves.
The previous logo was designed to illustrate a software system that relied on SMS messaging to alert and coordinate emergency medical services. And while both of those features are still true today, Beacon’s capabilities and user base have expanded significantly: Beacon now leverages a much wider range of mobile technologies to serve a much wider range of emergency responders, so we needed an updated logo to better reflect that.
The new Beacon logo depicts the contours of a hand-held beacon that utilizes precision location technologies to guide any type of emergency response organization as they alert, coordinate and track their operations.
Clearly, a full makeover of the Beacon brand is no small undertaking, so please bear with us as we make the full transition over the coming days. Be assured that only the icon is changing; the Beacon name, the underlying technology and the support websites will all stay the same.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to us at any time — we’re always happy to hear from our users!
Join the thousands of responders using Beacon worldwide.