Crisis Response

How Beacon Helps
Crisis Response Organizations

Every crisis is unique. Beacon ensures that every crisis gets a custom response by offering alternative and crisis response groups advanced dispatching tools at affordable prices.

Telecare Corporation

Beacon coordinates Telecare’s MCRT

“We absolutely love Beacon. We would be lost without it.”

Mary Woods
Regional Director of Operations, MCRT San Diego
SafeNest Las Vegas

Beacon coordinates SafeNest’s Advocates

“This is what community policing can look like. We are doing exactly what society is asking for: give police the role they are good at, which is getting the scene safe, and then allow those of us with the expertise and the access to resources to work with the victims.”

Liz Ortenburger
CEO, SafeNest
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Beacon Coordinates a Range of Different Crisis Response Organizations

Mental Health Crisis Response

Beacon Crisis Dispatch platform is a do-it-yourself platform for mobile crisis response teams that alerts, tracks and coordinates responders using any mobile phone, with or without internet.

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Domestic Violence

In Las Vegas, the police department have teamed up with SafeNest, a domestic violence advocacy organization, to dispatch trained counselors to provide support and counseling services the police department can’t. Our Beacon dispatch platform ensures the right responders are sent at the right time.

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Substance Use

Despite Good Samaritan protections, lots of people are reluctant to call 9-1-1 to report overdoses. Groups like Connecticut Harm Reduction Alliance are using Beacon to dispatch community responders to reduce response times and offer resources formal 9-1-1 responders can’t.

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When stay-at-home restrictions cut at-risk populations off from essential services, community groups in Minneapolis and Seattle quickly banded together through Beacon to set up resource delivery networks and ensure the vulnerable were getting the supplies and medications they need. In other locations, Beacon’s being used to deliver testing supplies and even vaccinations to those same groups.

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Beacon Crisis Response is a cloud-based, do-it-yourself platform for response organizations that alerts, coordinates and tracks crisis responders using any mobile phone, with or without internet.

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